It’s obvious that the consumer and
greed-oriented capitalist system
which currently dominates the Earth
is not sustainable.
It causes massive unnecessary suffering,
due to hunger, homelessness, disease and social ills.
It continues to destroy the environment,
and could lead to ecological collapse,
due to global warming, ozone depletion,
species and habitat destruction.
The struggle for control of oil and other resources
has already and will continue to lead to wars.
Even in the relatively privileged US,
the economic and environmental stresses continue to worsen,
along with spiritual and social dissatisfaction and alienation.
But this dysfunction of the dominant capitalist system
creates the basis for us as leaders to mobilize the people
to create alternatives and to move beyond capitalism
to the next phase of human evolution.
The dream of living in a peaceful world
has been with humanity for thousands of years.
We saw a flowering of the dream in the 1960’s.
It is up to us as visionaries and activists
to help the dream become a reality
in this new millennium.